1. Overview
In this article, we will learn to count the rows based on the group by clause in Spring Data JPA. The GROUP BY clause is used to group rows that have the same values in one or more columns.
2. Spring Data JPA count group by
For simple use-cases, you can easily write a derived query method inside your Repository class. However, these derived queries such as findAllOrderByNameAsc
don’t support Group By
keyword. For the same reason, we choose @Query to write dynamic queries with Group By clause.
See this article for using order by in your application.
2.1. Entity class
First, let’s create an entity class that represents the Customer table in the database. We specified the primary key of the entity class by annotating the field id with @Id
@Entity @AllArgsConstructor @NoArgsConstructor @Data public class Customer { @Id private String id; private String name; private String customer_type; }
Here, we have annotated the Entity class with annotations @AllArgsConstructor
and @Data
from the Lombok library to generate constructors and getter/setter methods.
However, you can also manually create constructors and getters/setters.
3. JpaRepository class
Now, let’s create a repository class that implements the JpaRepository
interface. The annotation @Repository is a specialization of @Component annotation which is used to show that the implementing class provides the mechanism for storage, retrieval, update, delete and search operation on DB objects.
The JpaRepository
extends PagingAndSortingRepository
which in turn extends CrudRepository
. Because of this inheritance, JpaRepository
will have all the functions of CrudRepository
and PagingAndSortingRepository
@Repository public interface CustomerRepository extends JpaRepository<Customer, String>
4.1. Spring JPA count grouped by some field
The following CustomerRepository
class contains a dynamic query to calculate total customers grouped by the customer types. Each Object[]
contains customer_type
and its corresponding count. If you want to get entity or POJO objects instead of Object[], see this article to map the result set.
@Repository public interface CustomerRepository extends JpaRepository<Customer, String> { List<Customer> findAllByOrderByNameDesc(); @Query(value = "SELECT c.customer_type, COUNT(c.customer_type) FROM Customer AS c GROUP BY c.customer_type") List<Object[]> countCustomersByType(); }
Consider we have the following customers in the table.
The below DAO code retrieves the data from the CustomerRepository
and returns the result back to the controller.
public List<Object[]> countCustomersByType() { return customerRepository.countCustomersByType(); }
If you execute the above code, it produces the following results. As you can see, it returns the count of customers grouped by the customer type.
4. Conclusion
To sum up, we have learned to count the rows grouped by some field in Spring Data JPA. You can find the code samples of this article in our GitHub repository.
In your select * from Customer display it looks like the customer_type and name are reversed from the data actually shown. That is values shown under names seem to types and under types seems to be names.
Thank you Ken for pointing this out.
I have updated the data set.